Series | Live Action

Earth Elements Soapworks

“The business didn’t start because I wanted to start a business. It started because I wanted to solve a problem.”

We instantly vibed with Kellie’s hustle. Her passion. Her purpose. She’s not only created a business but serves as an example of how one can turn a passion into their livelihood. Knowing our body reacts best to natural, earthy elements –  it was interesting to learn how many different natural ingredients she sources to create her skincare line. Working in a space that swings between retail and experimental kitchen, her products are ever-evolving to address her customers needs.  

Kellie’s story especially hit home for us. It speaks to those that take a chance on themselves. It’s unconventional, risky and hard for most to understand – but at the end of the day she makes a real difference in peoples’ lives all while doing what she loves. We hope you enjoy her story as much as we do.

Turnaround Time:
2 Weeks
Post Production:
Lee Morton
Delaney Debinski
Sebastian Nieves
A / C:
Jake Norris
Glenn Ibberson
Alicia Slough
Specular Digital
Andrea Pennix